We are a group of approximately two hundred former and current members of the non-denominational, without a name, church.  Although members prefer to take no name but the name of Jesus, for identification purposes only it may be known as The Truth, Friends and Workers, 2x2’s, Saints and Servants.  A common creed and basic doctrine is “meeting in the home, ministry without a home.”

We're here with compassion and help for workers who have made the difficult choice to leave the work. We will help you with next steps and resources to get you back on your feet.

Whether you need financial resources, professional therapy, or simply a temporary landing pad; if you are leaving due to abuse or just because you realize your capacity to serve does not include the work, please reach out.

Conversations will be completely confidential.  Your identity will not be shared except as needed with your permission.

Assistance is offered for those souls who have dedicated their best to the work but have found themselves in a place where their capacity to serve no longer includes the work.

Assistance cannot be offered to known abusers.